Budget and Salary/Compensation Transparency
In compliance with the spirit of promoting transparency as it relates to expenditures made by Michigan's public schools, Jefferson Schools maintains to follow the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) Guidelines for posting financial data to district websites by the State School Aid Act (MCL 388.1618(2)).
Board Approved Budgets
Personnel Expenditures
Operating Expenditures
Current Bargaining Agreements
Employer Sponsored Health Care Plans
Audited Financial Statements
Medical Benefit Plan Bids
Procurement Policy
Expense Reimbusement Policy
District Credit Card Information
Account Payable Check Register
Employee Compensation Information
District Paid Associations Dues
District Paid Lobbying Costs
Jefferson Schools has no expenditures associated with lobbying costs.
Approved Deficit Elimination Plan
Jefferson Schools has not incurred a deficit.
District Paid Out-of-State Travel
There was no out-of-state travel by administrators to report in 2023-2024.
Educator Evaluation Postings and Assurances
Continuity of Learning Plans 2020-2022
98b & 98C Goal Submission
23g MI Kids Back on Track
American Rescue Plan (ARP Esser)